Join us for regular events, workshops, and live performances.
Events Calendar

Open Mic & Pot Luck
Welcome back to another evening of friends and entertainment. Performing can be fun and scary and beautiful. Music, dance, comedy, poetry, clowning, stories, visual art, and other show and tell shares are welcome. Let's do it together, in community! Please bring a food or beverage item to contribute if you are able. We'll likely be outdoors, so bring a warm layer. Friends welcome, performing optional (but encouraged).

Co-op Network Gathering
The Bay Area Community Land Trust is re-launching the Bay Area Housing Cooperative Network, a space for coliving folks mainly in the East Bay – organized in co-ops, cohousing, etc – to connect, share resources, and support one another. This event is sort of a network launch party and we're hoping to get input from everyone about what would be helpful for you? and how do you want to participate?

TABERNACLE: antizionist jewish maker's market
To attend the market, attendees must purchase a sliding-scale ticket (paid by venmo or cash at the door), the cost of which will be 100% donated to mutual aid efforts supporting those impacted by the ongoing genocide in Palestine and Lebanon. In addition to entry into the market, your ticket will enter you into a raffle to win one of a number of pieces donated by vendors. Vendors will otherwise be selling their own work to support themselves.

Supra: A Georgian Feast
A traditional Georgian feast, hosted at a long table, ripe with flavors and full of song and abundant wine

Open Mic & Pot Luck
Welcome back to another evening of friends and entertainment. Performing can be fun and scary and beautiful. Music, dance, comedy, poetry, clowning, stories, visual art, and other show and tell shares are welcome. Let's do it together, in community! Please bring a food or beverage item to contribute if you are able. We'll likely be outdoors, so bring a warm layer. Friends welcome, performing optional (but encouraged).

Open Mic & Potluck
You asked for it and we are baaaaaack!
Help us bring in the summer with an evening of friends and entertainment. Performing can be fun and scary and beautiful. Music, dance, comedy, poetry, clowning, stories, visual art, and other show and tell shares are welcome. Let's do it together, in community!

Garden with us
Join us in the garden to learn more about putting in irrigation, cultivating native plants, and identifying our local birds.